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red. Beata Szetela



  1. Luo S., Chishti M.Z., Szetela B., Xie P. (2024) Digital sparks for a greener future: Unleashing the potential of information and communication technologies in green energy transition, Renewable Energy, vol. 221, 2/2024.
  2. Białkowski M., Szetela B. (2023) Discount as an Example of a Guarantee Instrument in the Field of the Consumer’s Right to Energy of an Adequate Quality, Energies, 16(4)
  3. Szetela B., Majewska A., Jamroz P., Djalilov B., Salahodjaev R. (2022), Renewable Energy and CO2 Emissions in Top Natural Resource Rents Depending Countries: The Role of Governance, Frontiers In Energy Research, Sustainable Energy Systems And Policies.
  4. Mentel G., Bilan Y., Szetela B., Mentel U. (2021), Weather Derivative Instruments. Property Analysis of the Basic Instruments, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 2/2021; 
  5. Szetela B., Mentel G., Bilan Y., Mentel U. (2021), The relationship between trend and volume on the bitcoin market. Eurasian Economic Review; 
  6. Szetela B., Mentel G., Mentel U., Bilan Y. (2020), Directional Movement Distribution in the Bitcoin Markets, Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, vol. 31, no. 2 
  7. Bilan Y., Mentel G., Streimikiene D., Szetela B. (2020), Weather Risk Management in the Weather-VaR Approach. Assumptions of Value-at-Risk Modeling, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 1/2020
  8. Yatsenko, O., Nitsenko, V., Tananaiko, T., Szetela, B., & Kobylianska, A. (2019). Trade and economic integration dominants in North America countries’ interaction. Journal of International Studies, 12(3), 277-293. doi:10.14254/2071-8330.2019/12-3/22; 
  9. Przekota G., Rembeza J., Mentel G., Szetela B., (2019), The Relationship between the Stock Market and the Economy: Evidence from Central and Eastern European Countries, Transformations in Business & Economics, vol. 18, no. 2A (47A); (IF 2018: 1.058)
  10. Szetela B., Brożyna J., Mentel G. (2019). Modelling European sovereign default probabilities with copulas, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, vol 32,  Issue. 1. (IF 2018:1.381)


  1. Brożyna J., Mentel G., Szetela B., Strielkowski W. (2018). Multi-Seasonality in the Tbats Model Using Demand for Electric Energy as a Case Study, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, t.52, z.1, s.229-246, ISBN/ISSN: 0424-267X, (IF 2018: 0.973)
  2. Mentel G. , Brożyna J. , Szetela B. (2017), Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment fund deposits in Poland in a time of crisis, Journal of International Studies, t.10, z.2, s.46-60, ISBN/ISSN: 2071-8330
  3. Brożyna J., Mentel G., Szetela B., (2017), Renevable Energy and Economic Development in the European Union, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, t.14, z.7, s.11-34, ISBN/ISSN: 1785-8860; (IF: 0.909)
  4. Szetela B.,(2017): The use of control charts in the study of bitcoin's price variability., Kounis L.D. (Ed.) Quality Control and Assurance - An Ancient Greek Term Re-Mastered, InTech, ISBN: 978-953-51-5001-5
  5. Szetela B., Mentel G., Gędek S. (2016). Dependency Analysis between Bitcoin and Selected Global CurrenciesDynamic Econometric Models, Vol. 16, pp. 133-144, ISSN (print) 1234-3862, ISSN (online) 2450-7067, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/DEM.2016.009
  6. Brożyna J., Mentel G., Szetela B., (2016). Influence of double seasonality on economic forecasts on the example of energy demand. Journal of International Studies, Vol. 9, No 3, 
  7. Mentel G., Brożyna J., Szetela B., Kompa K., (2016). Macro And Microeconomic Factors Of Investment Efficiency Of Open Investment Funds In The Period Of 1997-2015. Transformations in Business & Economics. Vol.15, No 3(39), pp.42-59; (IF 2016: 0.556)
  8. Szetela B., Mentel G., (2016). May the sharing economy create a new wave of globalization? Economic Annals - XXI, Vol. 161, Issue 9-10 , pp. 31-34
  9. Szetela B., Mentel G., Brożyna J., (2016). In search for insolvency among European countries. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Vol.29, pp. 839-856. DOI:10.1080/1331677X.2016.1237301; (IF 2016: 0.742)
  10. Mentel G., Szetela B., Tvaronaviciene M. (2016): Qualification of managers vs. effectiveness of investment funds in Poland, Economics & Sociology, Vol.9, No.2
  11. Brożyna J., Mentel G., Szetela B. (2016): A Mid-Term Forecast of Maximum Demand for Electricity in Poland, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol.12, No.2, s. 73-88 
  12. Rębisz B. (2015): Appliance of quality control charts for sovereign risk modelling, Journal of applied economics and business research, 5(3): 148-160 
  13. Rębisz B. (2015): Edukacja w systemie bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego, Logistyka, z.3, s.4140-4146, 2015
  14. Rębisz B. (2014): Europejski system elektronicznej dokumentacji medycznej - Polska na tle pozostałych krajów europejskich, Logistyka z 5., s.2042-2050
  15. Rębisz B. (2013): The study of the dynamics of traffic accidents using the control charts, Modern Management Review, vol. XVIII, 20 (3/2013), s. 135-144

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